
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Part 2 - Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Book (of Revelation)?

My prior post invites us to reconsider the aversion so many Believers have to the words written in this scroll of the disciple John's. Preachers, bible teachers and followers of Jesus alike often share a common allergy to the judgments, tribulations and apostasy that this book foretells. I'm not too crazy about some of it, myself! I'd be insane to minimize the severity of the events foretold. But the word "apocalypse" means a disclosure of information or an unveiling (as in a revelation). The word itself doesn't mean "the end of the world"!

Much of this unveiling is of the glory and conquest of our fierce, magnificent God - the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The Lion who comes to rescue His people.

In addition to sober warnings, this book has given comfort to hurting and persecuted Christians for centuries. The letter to the church at Smyrna, for instance, gives encouragement and comfort to faithful believers who are suffering for their faith. He says, "I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich) Rev. 2:9
He promises His faithful ones in chapters 2 and 3 that they will eat of the Tree of eternal life, of "hidden manna", receive a name only known to Him and have "power over the nations".

Those presently suffering can know that our God is still on the throne and that vengeance is truly His; so much so that we must pray, "in your judgment, remember mercy" for our enemies. The judgment coming to the wicked isn't something you'd wish on anyone, but it will be just.

And who, when losing a loved one in Christ doesn't take comfort in knowing that now they know no sorrow or pain and that even the memory of their hard times have been wiped away forever. That rather than ceasing to exist, our loved ones in Christ have stepped into a realm of Eternal Glory we can only dream of but never fully imagine. A dream that we will all someday enjoy together (Revelation 21-22).

It's in His kindness that God reveals these things to us. It is to give us courage in trials, hope in suffering and patience in waiting,  knowing that our Righteous Judge will avenge His children and celebrate our reunion with the wedding banquet of all banquets. Jesus is the celebratory Bridegroom God who will throw the best party in the Universe!

I invite you to let Him reveal something from this Book that will set your heart ablaze.

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