
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Fig Leaves

Fig leaves.
Following their sinful act of disobedience (no - it wasn't having sex. They were already married by God) Adam and Eve played a childish game of Hide-and-Seek from God. Like my 4 year old grandson who makes me count, then hides and shouts from wherever he is, "I'm hiding here under the table, Meema!".

Of course God knew where they were. Of course He knows where I am when I play the same furtive game of Hide-and-Seek. If I don't confess the sins weighing on my heart, You, Father God, won't know about them. You - the God of the Universe - will never know the evil intents of my heart if I don't utter them.

Of course God knows where we are when we're wallowing in our sin, covered up by the fig leaves of pride or of victim-hood (I only did it because he did it to me first) or of a lack of a holy fear of God. Thankfully, just like Father God brought one of His own creation to a bloody end in order to provide a better atonement for Adam and Eve's nakedness, His Son's bloody sacrifice provides a better atonement for our own folly. But it means coming out from the hiding places, removing the fig leaves and admitting that - God can already see me.

Far from it being pure agony to confess the ugliness of our sin to our maker, I find it - after the humiliation of it all, a relief. The horrible part is confessing the depth of my sin to me.

Thanks, Daddy God, for not treating me as my sins deserve or letting me slide by faultless. Help me understand what it cost you to cover my sins with your once-for-all blood...again and again.

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