
Monday, July 8, 2013

Loving while blind - part 2 - Do Miracles Build Our faith?

Lots of things mystify me as I get deeper and deeper into this theme of "Loving while blind" - of having a faith that not only stays intact even when we can't see the outcome of things but that actually grows and matures through those dark nights. I'm always trying to look for the formulas for faith that I can apply to my own walk. 

One faux formula of mine goes like this: "if God just shows me more stuff I will believe Him better."

What baffles me is how people who do have these continuous, miraculous encounters with God - audible voices - visions of angels - dreams of heaven - still fall and falter in their faith because of unbelief. Just how does that work?  How is this possible? What is in the human psyche that cancels out what we ourselves have seen and handled and experienced once the pressure comes? 

The Israelites saw the signs and wonders of judgments against Egypt, the Red Sea parting, the fire of God on a mountain, manna from heaven, water from a rock and a whole generation still died in the desert  of unbelief. They crossed the Red Sea as if on dry land and still made a golden calf to worship because Moses took too long coming down from the mountain! 

According to 1 Cor. 10:1-12 - it was their own grumbling, complaining attitude and ingratitude that kept them from receiving the promise. A bad attitude can actually cancel out our own faith ...polluting the very memory of God's prior provision!

In a parable Jesus told, a rich selfish man who ends up in hell asks the patriarch Abraham to send someone back to warn his family to be more faithful than he was.

I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family,  for I have five brothers. Let him warn  them,so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’  “Abraham replied, They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’  “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ “He said to him,  

‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:31

Before giving us greater revelation, God insists that we believe the revelation already given. The revelation of His written Word. Of His created universe. Of what He has already personally spoken and demonstrated to us. 

"But Lord, If I just had the open heaven experiences and visions and dreams and audible voices and financial provision like so-and-so, I would have great faith, too!" (Yea, I've prayed that, too)

Jesus says, "No. You wouldn't. Trust me, I've been doing this a looong time and seeing Angels in your bedroom at night wouldn't make you a person of greater faith."

The better faith formula for "loving while blind": putting one foot in front of the other, praising God with each step.  Choosing to strengthen your faith by believing what He has already proven to you even when you can't see the next step. 

Faith isn't always a warm, mushy feeling. Sometimes it's just an act of the will.

Stop doubting and believe!  - John 20:27

Can you think of a time when have you seen but still not believed? 
Next week - Part 3  "Salve for our eyes"

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